Pick Up & Drop Off

traffic flow

You have two options at drop off and pick up:

Pull into the inside lane by the sidewalk/building and wait in your vehicle for the children to come to you.   You must not leave your vehicle if you are parked in the pick-up lane.   You can only park in the lane next to the curb.  The other lane is for through traffic only

You may park in the lots across from the school, use the crosswalk and come to get your child and then return to your car via the crosswalk.  Please use ONLY the crosswalks to get to and from the school. 


As you enter to drop off or pick up your child next to the curb, please go as far north as possible to avoid the bottleneck of traffic.  We will have people assigned to help direct this traffic.

If you have an older child/student picking up your elementary-aged child, please have them meet at the elementary office area.  This keeps the buildings separate and provides supervision and safety for all.  The students will then be able to exit the building using the main doors.  

All elementary children MUST enter the elementary building through an elementary entrance.